Although we work on decimal number system in our daily lives. We calculate our money, make our daily-life calculations, run this whole world in terms of calculations based on decimal number system. Then why do we give so much importance to binary number system. Of course, our computers, home appliances and every thing works through the binary number system but why did people programmed these things that way. The answer is simple; "Its easy this way". Yes, because its easy this way, although binary may seem to be totally insane to most of the people, I mean, what's the point in writing everything in 1's and 0's. These long chains of 1's and 0's may be fascinating to someone and may drive the others crazy. Coming back to the answer that it's easy this way; We know that computer is a dumb machine, its almost impossible to make a useful computer working and doing things directly in human language. That's why we need 1s and 0s. But why not any other number system? that's because their application will be too complex. Which is due to the fact that computer doesn't understand the 1 and 0 as numbers either. For binary, we need two representations which we call 1 or 0. But in reality, its not like literal 1s and 0s. They are just voltage ranges. Voltage lower than a certain threshold value will be regarded as 0 and voltage above this fixed threshold value will be regarded as 1. These high and low voltages are provided by logic circuits made by the combination of logic gates. If, for instance, someone wanted to design a machine using octal number system. How would he convince the computer that a certain value is say, 1, 2 or any other value between zero to seven. Yes, it is possible, but It would be very difficult and complex. Because in digital world, there are infinite points between two infinitesimally close points. What I mean is, there are infinite points between 1 and 2 or any other two numbers in the number line. So setting seven threshold values and then designing circuits and gates for them will be an uphill task. Although one might do this , but it would be like re-inventing the wheel. Because the machine designed will have to do the same tasks, just by a difficult and complex process. So Thank God we have such a mechanism that we can easily use the binary number system.
Reading and writing in binary is a cool skill to have. Sometimes, it can make you stand out among your friends. But its almost totally useless. Its not that difficult as it appears to be. I'll be covering these skills in the next posts.
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